Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb. 5, 2010

today the kids played outside (it was pretty) after school---since daddy was on call, we made pancakes.....I burned the first few (or more :D)---but as my daughter said "mom they are getting better" :D

they didn't turn out so badmuch better huh?
the kids ate the "middles' out of the burned pancakes before the good ones were ready

Feb. 4, 2010

we did our grocery shopping--and got some new coloring book & markers. I spent the evening coloring with the kids---forgot how much fun that is :D

Feb. 3, 2010

boogies smashed his finger in the door--sister is a good sister (sometimes)--she is taking care of him. She is consoling him--

Feb. 2, 2010

Feb. 1, 2010

as me & the kiddos drove back into town from Clovis--I realized how pretty the lights of Albuquerque taken by my iPhone while driving

Jan. 31, 2010